Winter & Spring Produce
Bok Choy
Bok choy has long bleach–white, well-shaped & unblemished stalks. The stalks are crisp like celery but are not stringy & tender when cooked. Dark green leaves are highest in vitamin content and flavor. Use fresh, in salads, stir-fries, soups or anywhere you would use celery. Refrigerate unwashed in a perforated plastic bag.
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Blueberries: Pacific Blues are the label under which we sell our blueberries. Blueberries are potent anti-inflammatories. They have any health benefits such as helping to increase mental acuity. Blueberries are very low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. They’re also a good source of dietary fiber, and a very good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin…
Read MoreBeets
Red Beets: These beets have dark green tops. The inside of the beet is a dark red or burgundy. You can eat the greens as well– they taste like spinach. Greens will keep a few days in a plastic bag stored in the crisper. Candy Striped Beets: Candy striped beets have tops with a pink…
Read MoreAvocados
Hass Avocado: The Hass avocado is dark-colored with a rough and bumpy skin. Most other varieties are more green and have smoother skin. Signs of ripeness differ by variety. Hass varieties will turn black when ripe while other varieties remain green. All varieties yield to gentle pressure when ripe. Zutano Avocado: This avocado is easily…
Read MoreAsparagus
High in Vitamin A and has full amounts of Vitamin C and iron. It’s low is sodium and in calories. Asparagus is available year-round with a peak during March and April. California provides most of the supply February through April.
Read MoreArtichokes
Boiled, steamed & microwaved in stews, salads & casseroles. Dips for artichokes include Hollandaise sauce, plain yogurt blended with Dijon mustard, mayonnaise, light mayonnaise or mayonnaise blended with lemon juice. Artichokes are very low in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol. They’re also a good source of Niacin, Vitamin B6, Iron and Phosphorus, and a very good…
Read MoreArugula
Arugula looks a little like a dandelion green and watercress and is a member of the cruciferous vegetable family. Arugula is wonderful with fruit in salads, and is of course a tasty addition to green salads as well.
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