Somis Pick Your Own Crop Calendar

Farm Market & Animal Center
9:00am - 6:00pm (5pm beginning 11/2/25)
Open year round
Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year's Days
Closing at 12pm and Christmas & New Year's Eves

⋅Animal Center & PYO

⋅$5.00/per person admission to enter PYO berry fields

⋅Pull wagons available

⋅Visiting 13 Farmers' Markets each week. Please visit our SHOP page for pickup and delivery options.

⋅ Please visit our FAQ page for guidelines and precautions before visiting the farm.

PLEASE NOTE: No Dogs or Outside Animals! Guide, Service or Signal Dogs accompanying an owner ONLY.  Emotional Support, Therapy Animals, and puppies are not ADA Service Animals. Service Dog fraud is a crime. Please see our FAQ page regarding knowingly and fraudulently representing himself or herself, through verbal or written notice, to be the owner or trainer of any canine licensed as, to be qualified as, or identified as, a guide, signal, or service dog, under California Penal Code 365.7.


Pick Your Own:

Please select the month below for an overview of the crops that are projected to be available in Somis throughout the 2024 season.

All crops are subject to availability & weather changes. Prices & availability may change at any time. All listed prices are per pound unless otherwise specified and items in bold are those making their debut in that particular month.


Tangerines - $1.69